2024 NUCLEI Collaboration Meeting
LBNL, May 29 to May 31, 2024

The meeting starts on Wednesday 5/29 at 8:45am and ends on Friday 5/31 at noon. The main meeting room is Room 3101 in Building 59 (see map above).
- Lodging info.
- The schedule of talks is available.
- The zoom link is here.
- Upload your talk with this form. (Contact Dick Furnstahl if you are denied access.)
- Building 59 rooms available for discussion on Friday 12-4pm: 3101, 3025, 3070, 3049.
Wednesday, May 29
- Welcome / Agenda / Logistics (Stefan Wild) [pdf]
- NUCLEI overview / SciDAC PI & Asks (Thomas Papenbrock) [pdf]
- Website / deliverables update (Dick Furnstahl) [pdf]
- INCITE update (Gaute Hagen) [pptx]
Morning Session I
- Neutron matter EOS from large-cutoff EFT interactions (Stefano Gandalfi) [pdf]
- Atomic nuclei with neural network quantum states (Alessandro Lovato) [pdf]
- Neural Network Propagators for AFDMC (Jordan Fox) [pdf]
- Quantifying Uncertainty while Inverting Nuclear Euclidean Responses (Krishnan Raghavan) [pptx]
- Quantum Monte Carlo on GPUs (Patrick Fasano) [pdf]
- Tunable-fidelity wave functions for the ab initio description of scattering (Konstantinos Kravvaris) [pdf]
Morning Session II
- No-Core Shell Model: Static, Transition and Scattering Observables (James Vary) [pdf]
- Update on MFDn: performance on GPUs and results for light nuclei (Pieter Maris) [pdf]
- A new method for large-scale eigenvalue problems in nuclear structure calculations (Dong Min Roh) [pptx]
- The Problem is Not Fortran (Damian Rouson) [pdf]
Afternoon Session I
- Coupled cluster computations of nuclei (Gaute Hagen) [pdf]
- Tensor contractions on GPUs using NTCL (Tor Djaerv) [pdf]
Afternoon Session II
- New Algorithms for Quantum Many-Body Theory (Dean Lee) [pdf]
- Assessment and Comparison of Convergence Pattern in Modern Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials (Patrick Millican) [pptx]
- Update on IMSRG Developments (Heiko Hergert) [pdf]
- Advances in SUNDIALS for CC and IMSRG Simulations (Cody Balos) [pdf]
Thursday, May 30
Morning Session I
- Bayesian parameter and truncation error estimation for EFTs (Jason Bub) [pdf]
- Perturbative calculations in Nuclear Lattice EFT (Yuanzhuo Ma) [pdf]
- High-resolution momentum distributions from low-resolution wave functions (Anthony Tropiano) [pdf]
- From Fusion to Resonances: Brief Report on Nuclear Dynamics in NUCLEI (Kyle Godbey) [pdf]
- Uncertainty Quantification, Sequential Design, and Discrepancy Analysis of UNEDF Models (Michael Grosskopf & Henry Yuchi) [pdf]
Morning Session II
- Beta-decay: pushing DFT in the ab initio direction (Jonathan Engel) [pdf]
- Effective two body currents for forbidden operators of beta decay (Matthew Dai) [pptx]
- Computation of the Random Phase Approximation level density function using Finite Amplitude Method (Antonio Bjelcic) [pdf]
- Progress on Derivative-Based Calibration of UNEDF0 (Matt Menickelly) [pdf]
- Model Order Reduction for Density Functional Theory (Daniel Lay) [pdf]
Afternoon Session I
- IRIS Reimagined: Advancements in Intelligent Runtime System for Task-Based Programming (Seyong Lee) [pdf]
- Bayesian model mixing for nuclear ground state properties (Aman Sharma) [pdf]
- Microscopic descriptions of electromagnetic multipole response in fissioning nuclei (Tong Li) [pdf]
- Impact of collective correlations on fission fragment properties (Pooja Siwach) [pptx]
- A generalized notion of Bayesian inference for misspecified models (Youssef Marzouk) [pdf]
Afternoon Session II
- Improving the scalability of MFDn on multi-GPU clusters Rescheduled due to flights (Metin Aktulga) [pptx]
- Coupled Cluster Computations of Strongly Deformed Nuclei (Baishan Hu) [pdf]
- Coupled Cluster Calculations of Infinite Nuclear Matter (Sam Novario) [pdf]
Afternoon Session III
- Select Lattice QCD Updates from Berkeley Lab (Andre Loud-Walker) [pdf]
- JLab Workshop on Software Infrastructure for Advanced Nuclear Physics Computing (Peter Jacobs) [JLab meeting website]
- Outbrief from Breakouts (All)
Friday, May 31
Morning Session I
- Future Plans & Discussion: Interactions and Properties of Light Nuclei (Furnstahl) [pptx]
- Future Plans & Discussion: Properties of Medium-Mass Nuclei (Hagen) [pdf]
Morning Session II
- Future Plans & Discussion: Heavy Nuclei and Fission (Schunck) [pdf]
- Future Plans & Discussion: Neutron Matter and Nuclear Equation of State (Carlson) [pdf]
- Future Plans & Discussion: Neutrino and Electron Interactions in Nuclei/Fundamental Symmetries (Papenbrock) [pdf]
- Future Plans & Discussion: Additional ASCR Capabilities (Wild) [pdf]
- SciDAC6? (All)
- Summary, Next Steps, Wrap up (Papenbrock) [pdf]