2023 NUCLEI Collaboration Meeting
Knoxville, Tennessee, July 24 to July 26, 2023

The meeting starts on Monday 7/24 at 9am and ends on Wednesday 7/26 at noon. The main meeting room is 169 in the Student Union Building (1502 Cumberland Ave, Knoxville, TN 37916) on the UTK Campus. The area map shows this building and the conference hotel (Graduate Knoxville, 1706 Cumberland Ave).
- The schedule of talks is available.
- Zoomed-in local map.
- The zoom link is https://tennessee.zoom.us/j/91756531114.
- Upload your talk to this Google Drive folder. (Contact Dick Furnstahl if you are denied access.)
Monday, July 24
- Welcome / Logistics (Thomas Papenbrock) [pdf]
- Website / deliverables update (Dick Furnstahl) [pdf]
- INCITE update (Gaute Hagen) [pptx]
- (Xiaofeng Guo)
- NUCLEI overview (Thomas Papenbrock) [pdf]
Ab initio methods
- QMC update (Saori Pastore) [pdf]
- Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of electron-nucleus scattering in the Short-Time Approximation (Lorenzo Andreoli) [pdf]
- Weak processes in light nuclei with quantum Monte Carlo methods (Garrett King) [pdf]
- Short-range physics in nuclear systems (Ronen Weiss) [pdf]
- MFDn for Ab Initio Nuclear Structure calculations (Pieter Maris) [pdf]
- Ab initio calculations of nuclear reactions (Kostas Kravvaris) [pptx]
- Maximally local two-nucleon interactions at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order in delta-less chiral effective field theory (Rahul Somasundaram) [pdf]
- Ab Initio Calculations of Gamow-Teller Strength Distributions (Sam Novario) [pdf]
- Coupled cluster computations of NUCLEI (Gaute Hagen) [pptx]
- On the nature of 9N and 9He low-lying states (Joshua Wylie) [pptx]
CS/AM and other
- An overview of the SUNDIALS Library of Time Integrators and nonlinear Solvers (Carol Woodward) [pdf]
- Nuclear Tensor Contraction Library (NTCL) (Tor Djaerv) [pdf]
- Structure of 80Zr and neutron skin in 208Pb (Baishan Hu) [pdf]
- Structure of odd-mass Ne, Na, and Mg nuclei in the "island of inversion" (Zhonghao Sun ) [pdf]
- M1 transition in Calcium-48 (Bijaya Acharya) [pdf]
- Programming tools (CCAMP/OpenARC) for portable heterogeneous computing (Seyong Lee) [pdf]
- Excited 0+ state in 4He (Witek Nazarewicz) [pptx] [pdf]
Tuesday, July 25
Reduced-order models (plus RG and Bayesian model checking)
- MOR emulators for low-energy nuclear physics (Dick Furnstahl) [pptx]
- Applying RG methods to nuclear reactions (Mostofa Hisham) [pptx]
- Model-Checking a Chiral EFT Truncation-Error Model (Patrick Millican) [pptx]
- A Neural ODE approach to extrapolating Nuclear Observables (Krishnan Raghavan) [pptx]
- Dimensionality reduction for uncertainty quantification in nuclear physics (Pablo Giuliani) [pptx] [pdf]
- Eigenvector Continuation and Matrix Model Emulators (Dean Lee) [pdf]
Optimization and optimal experimental design
- Randomized Extensions of POUNDers for Faster Model Calibration (Matt Menickelly) [pdf]
- Algorithms and opportunities in Bayesian optimal experimental design (Youssef Marzouk) [pdf]
HFB, DFT, and linear response, and Other
- Toward a Hartree-Fock mass model from chiral EFT (Chinmay Mishra) [pdf]
- Variational learning nuclear matter (Alessandro Lovato) [pdf]
- Update (Esmond Ng) [pptx] [pdf]
- Perspectives for Improving Nuclear DFT and its Implementation (Kyle Godbey) [pdf]
- Porting A Scientific Code in Fortran to Heterogenous Architectures: A Case Study (in progress) with HFBFFT (Metin Aktulga) [pdf]
- Reduced basis method for DFT linear response (Nobuo Hinohara) [pdf]
- Pushing DFT linear response in the ab initial direction (Jon Engel) [pdf]
- AI/ML Opportunities (Stefan Wild) [pdf]
Wednesday, July 26
More DFT
- AI/ML, HPC and nuclear density functional theory (Nicolas Schunck) [pdf]
- Potential Energy Surface Emulation and Impact on Fission Trajectories (Daniel Lay) [pdf]
- DFT Applications to Fission and Fusion (Eric Flynn) [pptx]
- Microscopic calculations of the gamma strength function (Tong Li) [pdf]
- Summary (Thomas Papenbrock) [pdf]