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Participating Institutions and Investigators (SciDAC-5)

[Color denotes Physics or Computer Science & Applied Mathematics
Postdocs are indicated by (p) and graduate students by (g); all others are faculty or laboratory staff.]

Argonne National Laboratory
J. Fox (p), A. Lovato, A. McCoy, M. Menickelly, S. Narayanan, J. ONeal, K. Raghavan, R. Wiringa
Iowa State University
P. Maris, J. Vary
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
E. Ng, D. Rouson , S. Wild, C. Yang
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
C. Balos, K. Kravvaris, N. Schunck, P Siwach (p), M. Verriere, C. Woodward
Los Alamos National Laboratory
J. Carlson, S. Gandolfi, M. Grosskopf, I. Tews, H. Yuchi
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
C. Feng (g), Y. Marzouk
Michigan State University
H.M. Aktulga, T.S. Blade (g), E. Flynn (g), M. Gajdosik (g), K. Godbey, O.M. Gul (g), H. Hergert, Caleb Hicks (g), D. Lee, Y.-Z. Ma (p), W. Nazarewicz, J. Wylie (g)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
T. Djaervs (p), G. Hagen, B. Hu (p), G. Jansen, S. Lee, T. Papenbrock
Ohio State University
R. Furnstahl, M. Hisham (g), P. Millican (g), P. Sharma (g), S. Sundberg (g)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
M. Dai (g), J. Engel
University of Notre Dame
R. Stroberg
Washington University in St. Louis
J. Bub (g), S. Pastore, M. Piarulli